While I continue to noodle away at Project "Bloodlust But Good", I took a quick break to make an entry for a fun little ongoing game jam. As a side note, I recently switched to linux, and currently not having access to better layout software, I made it in GIMP. Although I like how it came out, it took many more hours than it should have for a single spread. Never, ever again.
I plan to run this dungeon as a one-shot pretty soon, as a Noble Funnel. The hook is that a dilettante and mutual friend of the PCs (maybe even the king or prince?) has gone missing, and after finding out he got obsessed with the moon, some court fop has decided it's worth checking this place out. As written it may be a bit too bloodless for a funnel, but I'm hoping the right group of chaosmongers will manage to find ways to get their characters killed.
If you feel like it, you should definitely make a quick entry for the jam! There's still over 5 weeks before the deadline. If you want to check out mine, this is the link, and for good measure here it is in plain text:
General Features
Each chamber is a perfect, hemispheric dome of worked stone. Reliefs reflect each chamber's purpose. The occasional candle provides dim, white light.
The power of the altar in the Chamber of the Moon suffuses this entire dungeon, placing all sworn Brothers of the Ordo within under the anal-retentive thrall of Brother Eldest.
Ordo Elipticus
A secret order of occult astronomers and astrologers. They believe the Delve is in sync with celestial powers, so they study the heavens from within. All Brothers are low-level magic-users unless otherwise specified. They are singlemindedly regular in their behavior as a result of Brother Eldest's magical domineering. They will converse cordially distractedly with polite visitors, but fly into a rage if significantly disrupted.
1. Chamber of Communion
The undead skeleton of an excommunicated Brother hangs from the chandelier, 60' up. It shrieks if anyone passes directly under it. Two great, parallel tables divide the room in half, creating a lane between the two archways that lead out.
2. Celestial Corridor
This hall rotates in accordance with the lunar cycle. Star chart reliefs can be cross-referenced by erudite characters to see which archway leads where. Otherwise, determine their movements at random.
3. Chamber of Toil
3d6 Brothers scribe, sew, and work the mint (2d6 x 10 sp freshly minted).
4. Chamber of Penance
1d6 lunatic Brothers languish here, manacled only to each other. They babble incessantly and attack non-Brothers who invade the chamber.
5. Chamber of Dreams
1d6 comatose Brothers lay in bunks; they can only be awakened by Brother Eldest via the power of the altar in the Chamber of the Moon. Any who rests in one of the empty bunks must save or fall into perpetual slumber as well.
6. Chamber of the Moon
A spherical altar made from a lunar meteorite dominates the chamber. Any who touches the altar must save or become a lunatic who insists on cowering for 1d6 days in the Chamber of Penance. Brothers save at +2; Brother Eldest saves at +10.
Rotating the altar sends the moon back and forth in its cycle. Spinning it fast enough causes global tidal disaster. If the altar is destroyed, all the Brothers fall unconscious for 1d6 hours, and awake without any memory of their time in the chambers.
7. Chamber of Bygone Lore
Racks and racks of astronomical scrolls are supervised by cheery but quiet Brother Librarian. He is a connoisseur of moon-themed poetry. He will offer to lend one of two magical tomes (whichever he thinks they would enjoy more) to any who shares with him such a poem that he's never read.
Tome of the Delve: An overview of each area of the Delve of the Dark Moon in florid, if unclear, language. Readers teleport to the first area whose entry draws their fancy.
Tome of the Universe: A thick, terse, yet vague technical tome. Upon a full reading, your character must be re-statted using GURPS rules. You may use 1d4 sourcebooks of the GM's choice to do so.
8. Chamber of the Stars
Only accessible from the Celestial Corridor during a lunar eclipse. The door connected to the chamber of Brother Eldest is hidden amid complex reliefs or constellations. A massive hoard of silver pieces of the Ordo's own mint fills the entire chamber. They view the minting of "full moon coins" as a transcendent duty in itself, and do not care to spend them.
9. Chamber of Brother Eldest
Brother Eldest (a high-level magic-user) dwells here, though he makesfrequent supervisory rounds. Any man who keeps up with him for an hour or more of rigorous philosophical debate may take the Ordo's oath and become a member (thus falling under Brother Eldest's command). Due to the Ordo's strictures, non-males are instead given access to the secret passage hidden in the wall reliefs.
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