September 15, 2024

Escape from All-Mart: Session 7 Writeup - "Bill Abingdon Jr."

 The PCs:

  • Julianne, a computer whiz who fell on hard times and had to take a “temporary” job at All-Mart over a year ago.
  • CC, an internet personality who recently had her personality upended in the House of Renunciation.
  • Darian, a full-time computer science student on top of his All-Mart job, who is also curious about the occult.
  • Star, a washed-up, self-aggrandizing grifter.

After Nicholas' death, Star and Julianne grab his guns and head inside the All-Mart to see what's happened to Vince. They suspect that, like CC, he returned to the All-Mart at the spot from which he disappeared upon entering the Room of Cold Reflection. Toting the hunting rifle, Star sits down in the security office and scans the camera feeds, while Julianne begins searching on foot with the shotgun. 

Julianne finds the door to the break room closet open, then discovers a few smeared, bloody fingerprints between there and the stairs that took Vince, CC, and Hamzah to the Room three days prior. Star soon deduces that Vince has been moving toward the back of the store. The security footage shows him moving slowly, sneaking and evidently unwell. He's hunched over and clutching his chest.

The pair confront Vince just before he makes a break for it out of the loading door in the stockroom. Star goes right for eye-gouging, although Vince tells them he thinks he's dying anyway and they'd do better to use "more carrot, less stick." He has indeed been shot in the side, though it's unclear if it's a fatal injury, and it's bleeding less than Star's arm.

They negotiate with Vince, agreeing to let him leave in the ambulance in exchange for his phone number and some quick answers up front. They ask him mostly about Rex and TNI. To the former, he says that Rex works for the Abingdon cult, led by the owner of All-Mart corporation, but he doesn't know where Rex fits in with the hierarchy. The cult is responsible for the All-Mart Curse, according to Vince, but he doesn't know what their agenda is. 

As far as The New Inquisition, Vince tells the PCs that his hit squad was operating on its own in the area, and with Marie dead and Arkadiy (the police impersonator from the Christmas Party Massacre) locked up, he's on his own - hence his tractability with their questions.

By the time they reach the parking lot, no one is outside but Nicholas' corpse, with CC, Darian, John and Ash the EMT all having gone inside. Julianne had threatened to bring John in to interrogate Vince, but never followed through on it since they reached an accord without him. CC tries to manipulate Ash by guilting him about his professional failures and warning him about consequences in the afterlife, but Darian tries to convince him not to listen. The end result is that Ash does little more than wander around panicking.

Ash's dilemma, courtesy of Kristina,  Darian's player

Vince drives off alone in the ambulance, leaving the PCs to suffer through the rest of their shift, then seek medical attention the next day once they're actually able to leave. CC gets antibiotics and a temporary colostomy, having had some of her intestines damaged from the gunshot wound she suffered three days prior, and Star's arm wound is treated, though she has yet to regain full range of motion in the fingers on that hand. They're both cautioned to avoid strenuous activity, lest their current debilities become permanent. CC immediately starts milking the colostomy for sympathy online.

While Star and CC are at the hospital, Darian goes home to his increasingly concerned family, and fails to get much rest around their constant doting. At this point, he's flunking out of this whole semester for sure. 

Meanwhile, Julianne decides to hire a private investigator with the goal of getting in touch with Rex or Bill Abingdon Jr., family patriarch, whose Wikipedia page she also gleans some useful information from - namely that his family harbors an unknown genetic disease and his father, William Sr., had rumored ties to fringe religious groups in his youth.

Unfortunately, on short notice the only remotely reputable PI Julianne can find is one Amber Donaghue, who works exclusively with infidelity cases. Still, Julianne spins her a yarn about how CC is working on a documentary about the Abingdons, and she seems to buy it. The next day, Amber tells Julianne that she's tracked down an upcoming appointment at a spa that Abingdon's wife, former model Lila Champlain, has scheduled six days out. Interestingly, Lila has apparently not been accompanied by anyone to handle the press during public appearances recently, and she's been sighted alone with her young daughters as well.

Julianne fills the rest of the Night Shift in and they decide to stake out the spa the morning of the appointment, December 6th, after they get off work. Star buys some guns from the store John recommended to her beforehand, while Julianne files the paperwork for a concealed carry license. 

Star keeps trimming her fingernails with the exostock clippers, so no new developments there. The group also catches up on a whole bunch of John's occult underground intel, though how reliable it is remains uncertain. 

They do get in touch with Vince as well, asking him about what John calls "chaos mages", and what he calls "entropomancers" (the resulting information prompts CC to start buying three lottery tickets every day). But when Julianne decides to tell Vince about their plan with Lila's appointment the day beforehand, he doesn't answer.

On Wednesday the 6th, Julianne arrives with Darian in tow (who naps on the drive) around 10 a.m., the time the appointment is scheduled for. The spa is in a Cleveland suburb, and it's incredibly fancy. 

When Julianne and Darian arrive, they see no sign of Lila, but CC is standing out front of the spa livestreaming an impromptu "meet and greet" for her fans. Having arrived at 9:30, she's already had a few people show up, an equal mix of longtime followers, true crime fans, and general weirdos. Star tries to go into the spa to book an appointment and is swiftly told to go away by the receptionist, then escorted outside by a security guard who remains in the lobby from that point on.

As Star circles the block in the bougie, half-residential, half-retail neighborhood, a fancy car with tinted windows pulls up. It's now about 10:05. No one gets out immediately, so CC ends her stream just as abruptly as it started and goes back to her car. Still, no one gets out from the newly arrived vehicle.

While the coast is clear, Lila makes a break for the spa, her daughters in tow (though her eight-year-old son isn't with them). It appears there was no one else in the car, not even a driver. They're seen inside quickly, before Star returns. After waiting for an hour, CC goes into the equally fancy bakery next door to the spa, which shares the same parking lot.

Star follows CC inside while Julianne and Darian look on from a distance, actually managing a semblance of discretion. CC buys several hundred dollars of overpriced but not especially good baked goods so she can ask about the spa, which the PCs now suspect to be a front for something magickal. All she gleans from the cashier (who kicks Star out when she asks to use the bathroom without buying anything) is that the spa's been there for twenty years. Even CC, a thriving internet celebrity, is not important enough to earn his respect, it seems.

When Star sits back down in CC's car, she accidentally discharges one of her new revolvers, which she had tucked into the back of her belt and forgotten about. Although she miraculously doesn't injure herself, the bullet goes through the bottom of CC's car, and of course makes a hell of a lot of noise. The bakery clerk and spa receptionist both immediately call the cops.

Star tries to call an Uber, but the cops come first, so she pretends to be asleep in CC's car. CC herself has started streaming again, trying to get both businesses cancelled and claiming they shot at her. She turns her phone camera on four policemen as they approach her, guns drawn, shouting at her to get on the ground. Darian is bewildered, but Julianne continues to watch the spa lobby, and just as the cops close in on CC, she sees the receptionist collapse abruptly, for no apparent reason.

The Night Shift hasn't realized it yet, but they have, in fact, escaped from All-Mart at that very moment, their efforts in bargaining with Vince and stalking Lila having pushed their objective rating to 100%. What exactly this means in practice, even the players don't yet know.

However, we have decided to continue the campaign, with the players deciding on a new objective once the danger of the current scene is resolved! The consensus is that they're interested in pursuing more with the Abingdon family and their cult, though the exact objective remains undecided. Several PCs are also quite interested in learning magick of one sort or another.

All in all, this has been a great "act 1" to a campaign that will see our protagonists go from total ponies to, just maybe, savvy members of the Ohio occult underground. Stay tuned for what happens next!

Click here to read the previous session's writeup

Apocrypha from All-Mart - includes several handouts the players got this session and an updated Dramatis Personae section

September 7, 2024

Escape from All-Mart: Session 6 Writeup - "Sleepers"

 The PCs:

  • Julianne, a computer whiz who fell on hard times and had to take a “temporary” job at All-Mart over a year ago.
  • CC, an internet personality who recently had her personality upended in the House of Renunciation.
  • Darian, a full-time computer science student on top of his All-Mart job, who is also curious about the occult.
  • Star, a washed-up, self-aggrandizing grifter.

Still early in their shift on November 28th, most of the night shift remains unaware that CC is back. She goes out front of the store to wait for the ambulance Nicholas called, feeling weak, her gut wound festering after three days without proper treatment.

Star decides to try and sneak into the security office, whose window Nicholas has covered from inside. He notices her and reacts swiftly to the unannounced intrusion. He tries to grab a handgun off the security desk but fumbles it to the floor in his haste. Star produces a combat knife from the hunting goods section, but before she can fight back with it, Nicholas recovers his gun and shoots her in the forearm, causing her to drop the knife. As she tries to gouge Nicholas' eye with her functional left hand, he tries to shoot her in the head, but she somehow stumbles out of the office and the door slams on its own, blocking line of sight and causing Nicholas to miss - again, the universe has seemingly prevented her death while she is still bound to the All-Mart.

Nicholas turns the doorknob but for some reason the door doesn't open. Star slips in her own pooling blood but still escapes to the exterior of the store before Nicholas can pursue her. She finds CC outside, who is now incoherently streaming and trying to recount her experiences in the Room of Renunciation. 

CC, who has been inundated with messages, calls, and emails after her disappearance three days ago, has opted to ignore all that in favor of cashing in on the fame her recent misfortunes have brought by getting right back into content creation. She is deliriously trying to communicate the doom All-Mart wreaks on her and its other employees to the rest of the world, and she hits viral levels of engagement in no time. She also makes sure she gets footage of Star's new wound.

In the stockroom, Julianne continues to re-check every corner for hidden exostock, aware the stockboys have a cache somewhere. Abruptly, Nicholas emerges from the office connected to the stockroom following a bullet he has fired, though oddly Julianne heard no shot. Nicholas is now confused at seemingly being teleported, and further enraged now that he believes Star to have been hiding magick powers this whole time.

Darian follows the others outside, having heard the most recent gunshots, which have riddled the All-Mart with yet more bullet holes. By now Julianne is on her way too, if only to escape Nicholas' rampage. The ambulance eventually arrives, and the drunk EMT, Ash Clarkson, returns. Incidentally, just as Star reads the name tag on his uniform, she finally gets a response from Cadence Clark, the last employee to quit from the Wellspring All-Mart, back in 2020 and before Hamzah brought about the curse, who she added on Facebook three days prior after finding out about her from John's old paperwork.

The EMTs ineffectually attempt to treat Star and CC, but it's immediately obvious they need to get to a hospital. CC particularly seems near death. However, the curse stops the ambulance from leaving again, with no obvious problem the EMTs can fix.

Strapped to a gurney, CC passes out, but continues occasionally spouting bits of what Hamzah told her about the invisible clergy and the occult underground, subconsciously driven to communicate with her coworkers. 

Julianne goes to the edge of the parking lot to wait for John to arrive, knowing he's on his way because Nicholas called him earlier. John arrives not long after and sees the ambulance. Julianne tries to talk to him, but he becomes overwhelmed with everything going on and struggles to decide what he should do rather than accomplishing much. 

Star sends Darian to her car with her keys to try and find another means of getting to the hospital, but as he tries to put them in the ignition, he is yanked a few inches out of his seat by some unseen force, and when he tries again he notices the key no longer fits the ignition, though he thinks it did earlier. Star also notices her fingernails are definitely hardening after using the exostock nail clippers, and they are beginning to grow pointed.

John tries and fails to get ahold of Nicholas over the phone a few times, and the PCs gradually fill him in on some of the pertinent information they've learned. Julianne persists about how Rex and the stockboys kidnapped Darian and Star the night of the Christmas Party Massacre, which does actually catch John's attention.

However, Nicholas soon emerges from the store, red-faced and toting a shotgun in one hand and a hunting rifle from the store in the other. John immediately seeks cover behind the ambulance, and the ambulatory PCs follow suit. Clarkson the EMT cowers in the back of the ambulance with CC, and begins listening to the cryptic shit she keeps saying. The other EMT, Albert Jameson, continues trying to drive away with no success.

Star has the idea to throw the ambulance in reverse and hit Nicholas with it, reasoning that it could still move, just not away from the store with them aboard. She fails to convince Jameson to try it, so she moves the gear shift and stomps the gas pedal herself. It works, but unfortunately Nicholas is far enough to the side of the ambulance that it doesn't hit him with this brief burst of speed, and everyone who had been hiding behind the ambulance has now become sitting ducks.

Nicholas fires both his guns at the exposed crowd, but the recoil makes both shots miss, and John shoots him in the center of mass, albeit with great regret that he has no other option. Nicholas goes down instantly, knocked on his back by the direct hit and his own recoil.

John goes over to his colleague to see if he's dead yet. Unable to figure that out, he tries to call the EMTs over, but Clarkson is terrified and refuses to get out of the ambulance, and Jameson, seeing that the ambulance can move after all and realizing the effects of the curse, freaks out and sprints away, toward the highway. He is soon out of sight and doesn't return.

As John argues with Clarkson, Julianne knocks Nicholas' guns away and continues trying to get John to understand the threat she believes Rex poses to them all. CC abruptly awakens with a gasp of renewed pain soon after. Clarkson, realizing the situation may not be explicable by rational means, asks the PCs for more information about the hints CC dropped while unconscious. 

Star tells him what Mrs. Smith told her: that souls are real. She also convinces Clarkson that free will doesn't exist, at least for people who have come into contact with the All-Mart. She believes it has influenced their personalities and caused them to make their worst life mistakes so that they would be unable to escape its pull. Clarkson begins grappling with terrifying existential questions, and fears that he'll go to hell for allowing people to die on his watch while drunk. He beseeches the PCs for help with this quandary.

Eventually, John listens to Julianne. He fills her in on what he knows or suspects about Rex, the stockboys, and more, though he isn't actually sure of much that the PCs don't already know at this point. At the same time, CC passes on everything Hamzah told her in the Room, albeit more coherently and thoroughly now, though she's still very weak.

After bracing himself for "something bad to happen", John decides to tell Julianne that he and Nicholas are Sleepers, members of a large-scale conspiracy that suppresses knowledge of the occult from the general public. He says she seems like a decent possible recruit, and that he needs someone to rely on now that Nicholas is out of the picture; he's only in contact with one other Sleeper in Ohio, at least only one he believes he can trust, and that guy refuses to work with him.

The exchange of information continues until everyone present has more or less shared their pertinent knowledge. During this time, Star goes inside the store and steals the contents of Nicholas' bag in the security room, including a print-on-demand copy of My Name is Dirk A. John explains that the book contains a ritual to magickally "become" a Sleeper, but that this gives few actual powers to people who aren't already wizards beyond being able to identify and be identified by other Sleepers. 

Star is also distraught to find the corpse of the Mr. Smith that was left behind last session; apparently Nicholas shot him point blank, though what remains of Mr. Smith's face is still expressionless. In texting Cadence Clark, she also learns of a former employee of the Wellspring All-Mart named Soren. She doesn't remember meeting this person, though she might be forgetting things due to the copious blood loss.

CC says she wants to learn magick, having realized that Hamzah's power is in part derived from his absurd conviction in his beliefs on financial martyrdom. Star, meanwhile, begins to believe that cannibalism is the source of magick power. John warns CC that the main way he knows of to become a wizard requires a unique brand of insanity. He acknowledges avatar magick, but he believes it's much more common that adherence to an archetype leads to the magick, rather than the other way around. He does admit that he knows of people who become avatars intentionally, however.

Eventually, the idea of putting Nicholas down for good is broached, and John insists he does it himself. After all, "You Did It" is an important Sleeper mantra about accountability for one's actions. After this (and after Star rejoins everyone else outside), John and Julianne decide to go into the store together to see if they can find Vince, since it seems he has also escaped the Room of Renunciation. Julianne wants answers from him, while John is mainly concerned with making sure he doesn't escape, assuming Nicholas hasn't already killed him.

We are drawing near to the climax of the night shift's current objective: it seems Rex is a lynchpin they will have to confront, and now they have John and his Sleeper knowledge on their side, it seems. They need to act fast, because if they can't quit their jobs for a long-term hospital stay, their mounting injuries are only going to get worse. 

What's up with Schrodinger's Vince? What's gonna happen with Clarkson now that his view of reality is in shambles? Is Star going to eat someone? Will CC survive long enough to learn magick? And do the PCs have what it takes to finally Escape from All-Mart? 

We will found out in what may be the final session of Escape from All-Mart next weekend!

Objective progress: 68%->90% (between catching each other up on their various routes of investigation, learning about the Sleepers and possibly planning to join them, identifying Rex as a primary foe, and getting Nicholas out of the picture, the PCs achieved a significant milestone, bringing them tantalizingly close to realizing their objective.)

Click here to read the previous session's writeup

Click here to read the next session's writeup 

Apocrypha from All-Mart 

Apocrypha from All-Mart

The following are handouts from my ongoing Unknown Armies campaign, as well as other miscellany that doesn't fit well in one of the session writeups. Note that if you're still reading them, there are spoilers in this post (denoted accordingly), so read the main writeups first.

First off, here's the links to each session's writeup:

Objective 1 (sessions 1-7): "Escape from All-Mart"

Session 1: "Squatter"

Session 2: "Free Samples"

Session 3: "Christmas Party" 

Session 4: "Bloodbath" 

Session 5: "House of Renunciation"

Session 6: "Sleepers"

Session 7: "Bill Abingdon Jr." 


News Article (spoilers through session 4)

Note: the links in this article aren't real; I just formatted it to look authentic for the handout.

3 dead including deputy, 3 shot, others hurt in Geauga County mass shooting

Published November 27, 2023 at 3:33 AM

Wellspring, Ohio – The coroner’s office identified two of three people found dead following a mass shooting off OH-91 as 37-year-old Timothy Crain and 24-year-old Taylor Crawford. At this time, the third deceased, a woman in her forties and one of the shooters, has yet to be identified.

Officials say seven others were injured, three of them shot, including two other deputies, 30-year-old Christopher Hughes and 44-year-old Ryan Shelby. Deputy Hughes, who was shot in the head was removed from the scene in critical condition and underwent surgery overnight. His status remains critical.

The shooting took place in at the All-Mart superstore outside Wellspring, Ohio, starting around 10:14 p.m. Sunday. Geauga County Sheriff Dudley Fontaine confirmed there were multiple attackers and some of the victims were armed and returned fire.

Police have so far not released further information regarding the shooting, though Fontaine stated there was no ongoing threat to the public.

One All-Mart employee present, Cheery Delight, who was reportedly shot, has been reported missing since the incident.

Al Roscot Jr., owner of the All-Mart franchise, as well as regional manager Rex Hamblin could not be reached for comment.

A GoFundMe has been set up for Deputy Crain’s wife and family to support funeral expenses. If you would like to donate, it can be found here.

A GoFundMe has been set up for Deputy Hughes to help with medical expenses. If you would like to donate, it can be found here.

A GoFundMe has also been established for Deputy Shelby to help support him and his family. If you would like to donate, it can be found here.


My Name is Dirk A. - Summary (revealed during session 7; condensed paraphrasing of the entry on Book 2: Run, p, 78)

This 160-page novel was written by “journo-novelist” Dirk Allen in 2010 and was only ever released as print-on-demand. Within, Allen relates his court-mandated attendance of Alcoholics Anonymous combined with semi-autobiographical accounts of criminals, occultists, and other weirdos from his past. The book is poorly edited, long-winded, and often frustratingly vague.

Allen associates his version of AA with an occult organization he dubs “the Sleepers”, who are governed by four rules: “Keep Quiet”, “Live Long”, “You Did It”, and “You Fix It”. The Sleepers believe in personal accountability and preventing the general public from discovering the existence of real magick (which Allen always spells with a ‘k’). A character called “the Ghost of Dr. Ug” relates the danger of the latter using the metaphor of a sleeping tiger for mainstream society – should the sleeping tiger ever wake, it would wreak violent havoc on the so-called “occult underground”.

Hidden between outdated slang and drunken ramblings, the book details a magickal ritual: “I Have Become Phobetor”. It involves the preparation of a cup of coffee with ritual gestures and phrases, plus a drop of the caster’s blood, and optionally “juice”, an ill-defined source of magick Allen references often. According to the book, the ritual mystically indoctrinates the caster into the Sleepers, though what this means is not really explained.

Bill Abingdon  Jr.'s Wikipedia page (revealed during session 7)

The Abingdon family has seen varying degrees of prominence since the U.S. was a British colony. He took over the All-Mart corporation from his father, William Abingdon Sr., after his death in 1996. The corporation was hugely successful worldwide until its abrupt decline during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Abingdon is a regular financial contributor to Republican politicians both locally and in his home state of Ohio, and he is an outspoken proponent of Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. Both Abindgon and his sister Melinda suffer from a genetic disease, the specifics of which the family keeps private. It has been speculated this disease was also the cause of William Sr.’s death. 

Abingdon has regularly denied claims that his father was involved with fringe religious groups during the 1940s and 50s, calling these accusations the “obvious lies of wokeists”. However, some evidence persists that William Sr. funded the Church of Scientology and similar groups.

Abingdon is married to former model Lila Champlain, with whom he has three children: Duke (age eight), Margaret (age five), and Daisy (age three).

2023 Exostock Inventory (from the desk of John Breuer; revealed during session 7)

LIQUID DICK – MSRP $18.99 – 8 4oz bottles delivered Jan 4 – Personal lubricant. Animate. Mentally controlled (very difficult). Possible offensive applications. So far untested.

HUNGRY HAL’S “KILLER HOT” BEEF STICK – MSRP $4.35 – 24 units delivered Mar 26 – Death Ray. Single use or recharge mechanism unknown.

GAIAWAVE – MSRP $59.95 – 4 units delivered Apr 22 – Resurrects dead organisms if heated inside for exactly 103 seconds. Much more effective with intact specimens.

AYSE BULLETS – MSRP $59.99 - 20 boxes of 100 bullets each delivered Jun 29 – Shooter has dreams re: human target. Accurate precognition.

VA-2-VAYU FAN – MSRP $2.99 – 6 units delivered Oct 8 - Temperature control. Effect range approx. 10 ft. Temperature range of -50 – 150 F. Batteries last 3 hrs. Battery cell type “GG”. Packaged with fan only.

FRY’S TURKISH DISMAY – MSRP $1.75 – 12 units delivered Nov 16 – Inflicts curse on eater if given as a gift. Curse duration unknown.

OVERCOMING DISEMBOWELMENT” VHS – MSRP $19.86 – 4 units delivered Nov 24 – Disturbing video. Exact details impossible to recall. Very gory + realistic. Video duration approx. 2 hours. Claims to be survival training for specific scenarios. Effect untested.


Kinds of Magic (from the desk of John Breuer; revealed during session 7)

Aura sight – other – unconfirmed – probably new age BS but a lot of people swear it’s real.

Bigfoot – creatures – unconfirmed – heard he has a SSN?

Bookworms – adepts – real - book hoarding magic. DO NOT like thieves.

Boozehounds – adepts – unconfirmed – alcohol magic. Dirk Allen one?

Chaos magick – other – fake – not related to chaos wizards.

Chaos wizards – adepts – unconfirmed – gambling magic.

Cobweb farmers – adepts – unconfirmed. Mind control. Need countermeasure.

Demons – creatures – unconfirmed – there’s definitely things that claim they’re demons. Heard they can teach people magic. But they lie a lot.

Exostock – other – real – see 2023ExostockInventory.txt

Flying women – avatars – fake - woke BS.

The Freak – adept? avatar? creature? – unconfirmed – old school power player. Rogue shapeshifter? No one has heard from it for 20 years.

GNOMON – other – unconfirmed – magic phone app? Makes people do weird stuff.

Loch Ness Monster – creatures – fake – self explanatory.

Merchants – avatars – unconfirmed – can trade ANYTHING. Heard about one giving away brain tumor.

Rasputin – fake – real person but not a wizard.

Shapeshifters – creatures – real - see SecretMasters.txt

Squix – adepts – unconfirmed – reverse cannibalism magic.

Tough guys – avatars – unconfirmed - hard to kill. Don’t take shit from anyone. If they were real I would probably be one though.


Occult Underground "Power Players" (from the desk of John Breuer; revealed during session 7)

Agents of Renunciation – Take people to House of Renunciation. Change them.

Data Freedom Foundation – Fakes research with magic.

Freemasons – Not sure if real or shapeshifter cover up.

Jesus Christ Advisory Board – Ponzi scheme for cult leaders.

Mak Attax – Proto-woke kids. Worked at McDonalds. Defunct a long time.

The New Inquisition – Organized crime ring. Boss is Alex Abel.

Shapeshifters – see SecretMasters.txt

Sleepers – see MyNameisDirkA.txt


Dramatis Personae (spoilers through session 7)

Cheery “CC” Delight – Night Shift employee; Eclipse’s player character

Darian Snow  – Night Shift employee; Kristina’s player character

Julianne de Witte  – Night Shift employee; James’ player character

Sunny “Star” Starstriker – Night Shift employee; Azazel’s player character

John Breuer – All-Mart junior manager; libertarian conspiracy theorist; member of the Sleepers

Vince Holmstrom – sole active member of the TNI hit squad assigned to the All-Mart

Hamzah Khoury – money-eating, anticapitalist wizard; last seen refusing to leave the Room of Cold Reflection.

Mrs. Smith – a ritualist who split her soul across several nonentities in her now-completed quest to resurrect her stillborn daughter with the Gaiawave

Nicholas Morse – unofficial All-Mart security; unbelievably shady and prone to violence; killed by John three days after the Christmas Party Massacre

Bill Abingdon Jr. - owner of All-Mart corporation; Abingdon family patriarch and alleged cult leader

Rex Hamblin – All-Mart regional manager; alleged member of the Abingdon cult

Soren Quy - former All-Mart employee and collector of occult artifacts, including exostock

Lila Champlain - Bill Abingdon Jr.'s wife

The Stockboys – unofficial All-Mart employees; originally appeared to be some kind of hive mind, but have since become more human-seeming; none have been seen since the night of the Christmas Party Massacre, where one of them was killed

Ash Clarkson - alcoholic paramedic frequently dispatched to All-Mart at night; dealing with existential crises brought on by contact with the PCs